The following article appeared in the Tacoma News & Review on Tuesday, September 29, 1953:
Pioneer Tacoman Called by DeathMrs. Martha Shane Shackleford, 76, of 211 No. J St., died Saturday in a local hospital. Born in Greensburg, Ind., she spent her girlhood in Tacoma and was graduated from Old Tacoma High School when classes were held at the Bryant Building. She married Lewis P. Shackleford in 1902 and lived in Alaska and California where her husband was engaged in the practice of law. They returned to Tacoma in 1925. She was a member of the First Methodist Church.
Suriviving are son, John L. Shackleford of Seattle; one daughter, Miss Nancy Shackleford of Worchester, Mass.; two grandsons, William L. and John H. Shackleford, both of Seattle, three nieces, Miss Charlotte Shackleford and Miss Elizabeth Shackleford, both of Tacoma, and Miss Martha V. Shackleford of Chickasha, Okla.
Services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the Buckley-King Chkapel with the Rev. John Orden officiating. Burial will follow in Tacoma Cemetery.
Who Charles and Warren are is a mystery. Possibly siblings.