Geometry required. The three circles in the diagram above all are tangent to the line in the picture. The radius of circle A is a, of circle B is b, and of circle C is c. All three circles are tangent to each other. What is c as a function of a and b? (Answer), (Solution).
Geometry required. The three colored circles in the diagram above
have radii of 1, 2, and 3, and each are tangent to the other two. A fourth interior
circle is tangent to all three colored circles. What is the radius of the
interior circle? For extra credit what is the radius of the exterior circle (not
pictured) that is tangent to the three colored circles?
It is speculated that the number 6 appears a disproportionately high number of
times and thus the digits are not distributed randomly. Test the hypothesis
that these digits form a random sample such that the outcome of 10,000 truly random
digits would pass the test 95% of the time.
0 974
1 989
2 1004
3 1008
4 982
5 992
6 1079
7 1008
8 996
9 968
Michael Shackleford, A.S.A.