Problem 104 Answer

The first player should spin again if his first spin is 65 cents or less.

If any of the following conditions are true the second player should spin again.

  1. His score is less than the first player's score.
  2. His score is 50 cents or less.
  3. His score is 65 cents or less and he has tied the first player.

If there is only one person to beat, then the third player should spin again if his score is less than the current highest score. If his first spin ties the highest score, then he should spin again if the tie is at 45 cents or less. If the tie is at 50 cents he is indifferent to spinning to staying pat.

If there are two tied players to beat, then the third player should spin again if his score is less than the current high scores. If his first spin ties the high scores, then he should spin again if the tie is at 65 cents or less.

The following table shows the probability of each player winning, according to player 1's initial spin. The bottom row shows the overal probabilities for each player winning before the spin-off begins.

Probabilities in the Price is Right Spin-Off
Spin 1 Strategy Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
0.05 spin 20.59% 37.55% 41.85%
0.1 spin 20.59% 37.55% 41.86%
0.15 spin 20.57% 37.55% 41.87%
0.2 spin 20.55% 37.55% 41.9%
0.25 spin 20.5% 37.56% 41.94%
0.3 spin 20.43% 37.56% 42.01%
0.35 spin 20.33% 37.58% 42.1%
0.4 spin 20.18% 37.6% 42.22%
0.45 spin 19.97% 37.64% 42.39%
0.5 spin 19.68% 37.71% 42.61%
0.55 spin 19.26% 37.81% 42.93%
0.6 spin 18.67% 37.96% 43.36%
0.65 spin 17.86% 38.21% 43.93%
0.7 stay 21.56% 38.28% 40.16%
0.75 stay 28.42% 35.21% 36.38%
0.8 stay 36.82% 31.26% 31.92%
0.85 stay 46.99% 26.35% 26.66%
0.9 stay 59.17% 20.36% 20.47%
0.95 stay 73.61% 13.19% 13.21%
1 stay 90.57% 4.72% 4.72%
Average 30.82% 32.96% 36.22%

Here are the winning number of combinations out of 6*206 possible.

Player 1: 118,331,250
Player 2: 126,566,457
Player 3: 139,102,293

Michael Shackleford, A.S.A., 9/4/98