Craps basics

The first time you stand at a craps table it will seem like a flurry of activity as difficult to comprehend as the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. I'm here to teach you the absolute basics so that when you walk up to the table you will know what to do.

When you walk up chances are that the game will be in the middle of a round. If the table is covered with chips this is a good indication that a round is in progress. Another indication is if you see a big white disk on one of the big numbers along the dealer's side of the table. So stand quietly and wait for a new round to begin. You'll understand what ends a round by the end of this page.

There are a host of things to bet on in craps. The great majority of players bet on the "pass line." This is a narrow strip you will see that goes around the length of the table where the players stand. This is why everybody often cheers at the same time, because they all have bets on the pass line, so everybody wins at the same time.

When a round ends either the dealers will rake in most of the money on the table or they will pay off most people. Then the table will be clear of most bets, however almost immediately people will begin placing new bets. This is the time to place a bet on the pass line.

The first roll of any round is called the "come out roll." If the come out roll is a 7 or 11 you win. If the come out roll is a 2, 3, or 12 you lose. Either way the round is over and a new round will immediately begin. The pass line pays even money, regardless of how you win.

If the first roll is anything other than the numbers mentioned above then whatever number was rolled is called "the point." The dealer will put a big white disk on a number on the table to remind everybody what the point is. Then the same person will roll over and over until either he/she rolls the point again or rolls a 7. If the point is rolled you win, if a 7 is rolled you lose. It is that simple. When the point or a 7 is rolled the round is over.

You might wonder what you are missing because as other numbers are being rolled other people will be placing bets and getting paid off. As a beginner just ignore all this. They are placing side bets which I don't want to confuse you with.

If I haven't already overloaded you with information you may want to make a particular side bet yourself. If I have overloaded you just ignore this paragraph. Craps is the only game in the casinos that offers a truly fair bet. If a point is rolled you can bet additional money that the point will be rolled before a 7. This is called "laying odds." The amount you win if it does is truly fair. You place this bet next to your pass line bet, but just outside the pass line itself. If the point is a 4 or 10, and you win, the "odds" bet will pay 2:1 ($2 for every $1 bet, plus keeping your original bet). If the point is a 5 or 9 the "odds" pay 3:2. If the point is a 6 or 8 the "odds" pay 6:5. If you consider the probability of the point rolling before a 7 you will realize that these payoffs are exactly fair. Lay the odds after a point is rolled on the come out roll. At most casinos you may bet up to double your pass line bet on the "odds" (2.5 times if the point is a 6 or 8). If the point is a 6 or 8 you'll want to bet increments of $5 on the odds so you can be paid off in even dollars.

Finally a warning not to bet on the pass line at any time other than the beginning of a round. While you are allowed to do this you would be a fool to. By doing so you would miss the chance to win on the come out roll, which would cut substantially into your chances of winning.

Good luck!

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